It's raining out and may be snowing in Flagstaff which is about 18 miles away. Many people do not know that Arizona gets snow, but we do - in northern AZ.
Where we live we get a few inches a year while Flag gets 5 or 6 feet or more.
We've finished picking our apples. Just had one for a late lunch. Sending more to the San Diego loved ones and maybe a box to Oregon too.
I'm doing research on www.http://Youwriteon.com. It's a site to post your WIP and also they will publish you're m.s. into book form, print-on-demand.
If you're interested in a free edit of your WIP go
to Http://mischieffightscancer.blogspot.com/ to try for a free edit by a well know editor. The catch is you must buy a raffle ticket to fight cancer. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
Writing tip for today's blog: An overused word in writing.
1. There
When writers are not sure about the subject of their sentence, they will often use this word as the subject. This is weak writing. Example: "There was no one outside."
Revised. "No one was outside."
Check out the other overused words on my blog in the next few weeks.
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